If you follow me on Facebook, you know that I am kind in the middle of a summer "brown out," spending time with the kids and generally shirking as much responsibility as possible. However, I wanted to reemerge briefly to tell you/remind you of a great event coming up this Wednesday, June 29.
The Lift on 19th St will be hosting a "book lift-off event" for a delightful picture book, The Magic of the Morning by Laura Lightfoot Tilley. Tilley is a Houston Heights native, who wrote and illustrated the book about a young boy who loves to sleep in until his father convinces him there is, well, magic to be had in the morning. The lift off starts at 6:30 pm, with refreshments and a reading by the author.
365 W 19th St
Have visited The Lift only a couple of times but have had the pleasure of meeting both the owner and her husband and both are incredibly nice people!