There's another unassuming hero at the corner of Euclid and Norhill, diligently piecing together a beautiful and intricate community bench in her front yard.
The bench is her way to build community. All are welcome to use it for comfort, rest, and connection. In the time I spent talking with Elena, I found exactly that. I learned about the history of her home, her grandchildren, and other public art projects she's undertaken throughout Houston. I even got a tour of her home and studio--two stories of natural light, bookshelves, and a studio nestled in the backyard garden.
The bench mosaic is made from leftover pieces from Elena's previous projects. She uses cookie cutters to obtain the circle shape, and her grandchildren have contributed specific animals.
I had the honor of meeting Sra. Elena last night at a gallery opening and she is so wonderfull, my family also are from Mexico city and Im so proud to see that people like her,via her art, are good role models for their community!!!!